
Urban Weather Generator
urban weather morphing software that can capture urban heat island effect in a neighbor-hood scaled system

Urban Microclimate
urban design software development using UWG for urban planning and energy modeling with urban heat island

MIT Weather Data Project
downloadable weather data for the city of Cambridge from 4 private weather stations in and around the MIT campus*
* Image courtesy of Carlos Cerezo
What's New
UWG 4.1 is out! The new version models multiple typologies and visualize results
The new urban design workflow using the UWG software will be presented at the ICUC9 conference in Toulouse, France, on 07.24.2015
The Singapore paper will be presented at the ICUC9 conference in Toulouse, France, on 07.24.2015
The new version of the UWG is released! It has a beta version of the template libraries. Check the new xml markup in the documentation page
The new urban design software development wins third prize at MIT's Center for Environmental Sensing and Modeling workshop poster competition
The new urban design software development is presented at MIT's Center for Environmental Sensing and Modeling workshop
The new website is online